Paula Byrne

Paula Byrne's picture
Dr. Paula Byrne DCR(T), MSc, PhD

Position: Post-doctoral Research Associate with the Centre for Primary Care Research Department (HRB-CPCR).

Dr. Paula Byrne is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with the Centre for Primary Care Research Department. She is also a Health Services Researcher with the Health Technology Assessment Directorate of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).

In 2013 she graduated from NUI Galway with first class honours from the MSc programme in Health Economics. She completed her PhD as SPHeRE scholar based in NUIG from 2014-2018. Her doctoral thesis focused on the use of statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. In particular, she focused on statins in the context of the process of medicalisation and the drivers thereof, in particular the expansion of disease definitions and clinical thresholds used to define healthy and unhealthy states.

Her main research interests include the overuse of medicine and the delineation of low-value care. Her research at the HRB-CPCR, will consider the association between low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol reduction from statin therapy and reduction in mortality, myocardial infarction and stroke.